Saturday, July 29, 2023


[Thursday night was a great night. I went on a March for the woman who was just killed in Miami. The march was about an hour long. A peaceful march with candles held, followed by a speech from her cousin, who has taken her two girls in. The case is still under investigation, though at this point, we know the last person she was seen with by neighbors was her ex boyfriend. They don't have his name as of yet. Her name is Joycelin Sheree. The date with the guy who found me was superb. He was a total gentleman. Around 8:00 pm he picked me up at my house and held the door open, got to know me as a person. To describe him. He's about 6'3. Chocolate skin, medium build. The date could be described as a casual date where I didn't have to get dressed up. In fact, I was probably overdressed. I'm in a pair of khakis and a polo while this guy has a light purple polo and a pair of shorts. He has a few tattoos and one can tell that he pumps the iron. Our date was a casual date consisting of an outing for chips, salsa, and margaritas. Afterwards, we walked Ocean Dr. The date ended in a kiss before he kindly bought me back home. We talked about things such as parenthood, politics, education, careers, and vacation spots. He told me his background. He's of a Jamaican background, working class parents. I invited him in, however he declined due to the fact that he had to be up for 5:00 am for work the next morning.]


"What you got going on tonight" Claudia asked as they were leaving work.


Oliver left the office without making any pit stops along the way home, he packed a bag of clothes, took a shower [and douched while he was at it], ensured that his house didn't have any dirty dishes or dirty clothes and headed to the hotel. The couple had already checked in when he arrived.

[I'm sure the hotel clerk has an idea as to what's going on. The next shift will start at 9:00 pm tomorrow night. The lie that the client told? It was a business meeting between the three of us and that we worked for a real estate firm.]

"This is our guest" the husband said as he put his bag on the cart. "Room 902" The clerk said, you'll have a pool view"

The husband suggest going for a swim.
"Sure" Oliver said, It's kinda hot out. The hotel clerk sent them along their way and informed them that supper would be served in the lobby later on and that it was complementary. Oliver wasn't exactly attracted to this guy. His wife was far more appealing than he was and it was pretty clear to Oliver that the wife was only with him for his money,

[She's with him for his money he's with her because she's an easy piece of ass. A match made in heaven right? It's an open relationship and neither of them have any strings attached.]

Oliver sported a pair of jammers while the lawyer's wife wore a blue bikini which complemented her body greatly. Her husband, had a medium build. He didn't exactly have a six-pack but he didn't have what one would consider to be a beer belly either and he sported a pair and dark maroon swim shorts.

"Water feels nice, honey" he said to his wife. "Look at our guy. He’s already under!"
The trio stayed in the pool for an blue and a half before soaking in the jacuzzi. "Holy shit this is hot!"
"Oh damn!" Oliver exclaimed barely getting in.

While they soaked away in the tub Claudia was getting ready for her evening phone job. The guys were typically old men.  The conversation was typically a conversation asking what she was wearing, if she was masturbating at the time, or if she had large breasts. She fixed a cup of white whine and got herself in position to begin receiving her phone calls. She worked a four hour shift roughly with about 20 minutes per customers. It paid rather low compared to other forms of sex work, however she was far safer doing this than she would be as a call girl. It was enough money for groceries and it assisted with her paying her utilities. She finished her shift and decided to look online to see if there was any update on her results. She passed her exam, barely, however she passed.

"Wait a minute!" She decided to do a double check. The screen reflected a passing score on her exam. She could breathe a bit easier. She left the screen on all night before she went to bed. "Finally."

She woke up the following morning, refreshed her screen. She called to ensure that the score was accurate. It was confirmed to her that she passed. She decided to text Oliver, who was still sleeping after a long night with the couple. After soaking in the pool, the trio had dinner at the hotel, smoked some weed and then it was a night of sweaty sex. Oliver ended up sleeping with both the man and his wife and the entire time he was in this threesome, he was thinking to himself "Lord, please let me make it out here alive".

The hotel room was dark  with the curtains closed, the smell of weed was still strong with the smell of sweat. Oliver trying desperately not to wet the bed clenched his bladder while being sandwiched between the couple.

[The sex was good, I must admit. However, I must say that I don't think we'll be dating in the future. However, it'll be nice to not have this burden for the rest of the year. I have the feeling that this guy does this quite often. He and his wife are swingers. His wife was just soooo excited to bang a black guy. I was glad to have a female client that took a risk with me because with most women clients, I'm pretty much off limits.]

Eventually managed to crawl out of bed and get to the bathroom while checking his phone. He saw the good news that Claudia sent and suggested that they get a drink perhaps Monday after work. Now well awake, be decided to sit on the balcony and wait for everyone else to wake up.

[Is it wrong that I didn't obtain this guys name until I got to the hotel and heard the hotel manager mention it? His name is David and his wife is Bonnie]

Eventually Dave got out of bed and headed to the porch wearing nothing more than a bathrobe.

DAVE-"Bonnie and I had a good time. We'd like to take you to lunch if that's okay."
OLIVER-"Ummm sure......"
DAVE-"Anywhere you'd like to go?"
OLIVER-"Surprise me. Anywhere I can get steak and shrimp"
DAVE-"You've got yourself a deal, we can go around noon, then come soak in the hot tub"
OLIVER-"Cool, the checkout time is 3:00 pm"
DAVE-"Yep, I've got meetings galore come Monday"
OLIVER-"So what kind of attorney are you?"
DAVE-"Criminal defense, so my cases involve murder, rape, you know vicious crimes"
[Oh HELL no!]
OLIVER-And your wife?
DAVE-She's a school teacher. 1st grade.
[In my mind I'm cutting up. I'm sure if the principal knew what she was up to in her spare time that she'd be out of a job. She's definitely not a first grader when it comes to BJs.]
OLIVER-Me, I'm trying to get my masters in social work. I'm applying for scholarships right now and hoping that one accepts me. I've applied at Florida Atlantic University, Florida Gulf Coast University, and University of South Flroida.
DAVE-Which would you like to go to?
OLIVER-I'd like to keep my commute to under an hour. Florida Atlantic is in Fort Lauderdale so that wouldn't be bad.
DAVE-I bet I could give you a good reference. I have a buddy who graduated from there. I could probably get a Grad Assistant job too.
OLIVER-Could you really? What's the catch?
DAVE-No catch, I have a friend who works in the research department and I have a feeling that he could help you out if I gave a good reference.
OLIVER-I would really appreciate that
DAVE-Here's my card. Call me when you decide to start.

He appreciated the suggestion, to him, escorting had its perks but the risks outweighed it. He hadn't heard much from scholarship applications. This would give him an opportunity to earn about $1300/month. About 30 hours/week. "Can I hug you real quick?".   "Sure" After a hug, Oliver went in to take a shower. While washing his hair, he had a brief cry of relief that he was closer to getting into a decent graduate school and that it wasn't too far of a drive from his home. After rinsing his hair and body he slipped on a pair of blue jeans and a USA tank top.

"How about we got eat breakfast somewhere, the breakfast here is continental and I want something hot, I know of a great spot not far from here"

"Okay, sounds great" Oliver said as he was brushing his hair.

Dave was still in his bathrobe while Holly had slipped on a sundress.

[She tried to talk me into letting her dispose of my cum filled condom, but I wasn't going for that. These broads will make that claim, next thing you know you've got a baby on the way because they injected YOUR seed. And I'm too poor to have a child. This is a job.]

HOLLY-You have a nice bod
OLIVER-I work out and I eat a very healthy diet the majority of the time.
HOLLY-I can tell
OLIVER-I strive to go to the gym at least six days a week.
HOLLY-It's done that body good
OLIVER-Thank you

[No morning sex, I'm exhausted.]
"Well you two, I’m about to wash up. I’ll be out in 10 minutes. No monkey business."
[Trust me dude, you don’t have to worry.]
At breakfast Dave suggested the steak and eggs.
"Sure, can I get egg whites?"
"Whatever you want bud."
"Yeah, he’s gotta keep that body up."
They started they day off with Swiss mochas before their meals came. Oliver’s steak was a t bone steak with two egg whites which he topped with a little salt and pepper. "I’ll probably fast for the rest of the day after this one.", Oliver said looking fat the size of the meat on his plate. He took his knife and and cut a piece of the meat. "This is delicious!"
"Told ya!" Dave responded as he spread butter on his waffles. "What’d you think about the coffee?"
"The mocha was quite good." [definitely gonna go to the gym later.]
Oliver appreciated a good breakfast and one less bill for the next six months. His rent was low. No car payments for a while so it would give him a chance to save some money.
"So buddy, you got a degree in 2014?"
"Yep, then I did disaster recovery work for a few years before I got laid off."
[Then I masturbated in a video or two and the rest is history.]
"I did a bit of work for FEMA and that project ended. Then I did work with a state program however the state was using outside sources to run the program."
"So basically doing government work but no government benefits."
It was as if Dave had a similar experience. Being a generalist with an interest in others he listened to the story of those in similar boasts who got caught up doing this kind of work after hurricane Katrina. "Are you familiar with the Road Home Program?"
"I know of it some, yes. There were a few of my FEMA coworkers who worked for that program."
[And maybe had I been a big enough kiss up, played the game correctly, I would have made the cut.]
The date eventually came to an end and the couple and Oliver parted ways. He gave Oliver the check. "It was nice doing business with you.", Oliver said as he shook Dave’s hand. "You too sir." He hugged holly and checked out of the hotel. He put the check in his glove compartment and immediately went down to the financial institution and gave the clerk the check. She examined the check, got her manager. A task that should have taken five minutes took 25 minutes before the manager confirmed that he would be good for the next six months. "You won’t have another car not payment until early 2019"

"Thank you."
[I’m sure as I walk my ass out of this bank, they are whispering behind my back. I’m sure it’s something along the lines of "where did this n!gg@ get this money from?" Did I rob Peter to pay Paul? More like Paul fucked Peter and then Peter got what he came for. I did some things to get this money that I wish I could undo. Tasted things that I wish I could UNtaste . But this is my life right now. He came through on this, more than what any prayer would have done me in the last few years. Just hope he doesn’t back paddle on helping with my grad school situation.]

He went home with a since of relief. He examined the home and it was in good shape, no busted windows. At least he knew no one tried to rob him. He checked his mail other than some junk mail, no bills. Oliver unpacked his items and crashed on the couch. He remembered the plans with Damon and tried to prep some snacks for them to munch on for later. A quick dip, some weed laced brownies, a bit of beer.

He had some beer in the house, he remembered purchasing it a while back from Raja. He had no dates scheduled for a while at this point. Though he did have an appointment to try and obtain a stripper license. There was a hotel night he had planned two weeks from now. A guy in his 40s from Trinidad. He was also in the process of scheduling a date for a gala with a young lady.

After putting the dip in a crock pot and allowing it to cook, he sat on his porch and waited for Damon to arrive. He talked with Claudia for a while, he read the paper, and drank a wine cooler. Oliver took a moment to look around him. "Serenity." He said. Not far from the beach, the community he lived in was rather quiet. No little bad ass kids with paintball guns. No ratchet ass adults fighting each other. No car note for a while.  He was managing his credit bills and the bill for his loan.

[Damn I wish I had a pool out here.]

Damon arrived a little after five while Oliver was out on the porch. "Have a seat my man."

DAMON-"So are you okay?"
DAMON-"Was it worth it?"
OLIVER-"I'd say yes because it saves me hundreds of dollars. That said, I hate that I had to resort to what I did. Him and his wife were nice people."
OLIVER-"Damn right, I ain't trying to have no children right now."

After giving him some time to get his bag down, Oliver took out a couple of beers and told Damon to help himself to some of the snacks.

"Gladly" Damon said reaching for the dip. He took out a glass and two of the lime wedges that Oliver had cut and made his way to a seat at the kitchen. "Did you hear?"

OLIVER-"Hear what?"
DAMON-"Raja's fiance (if you can call him that, it was more of an arrangement) came out of the closet."
OLIVER-"Say what? Where'd you hear that shit at?"
DAMON-"Raja. He came out on twitter, his sister showed the tweet to his parents. She said it was a mess."
OLIVER-"How's she?"
DAMON-"She's relieved."
OLIVER-"How's he?"
DAMON-"Not too good. His folks have all but disowned him."
OLIVER-"Damn. I'd like to talk with him. Too bad you don't have his number. I'd like to have a meeting with him."
[I remember coming out to my mom. She didn't take it too well. I'm just glad that my dad wasn't here to see it. I miss him, don't get me wrong but I probably wouldn't live to tell this story had he found out.]
DAMON-"What you trying to hook up with him?"
OLIVER-"No. No disrespect, but I don't think that would work. Generally South Asians don't date out. But us queer guys of color need to have some kind of brotherhood."

Oliver got up to get a snack and turned on Netflix to find some comedy specials to watch. While he was looking for a show to watch Damon asked him to get Raja on the phone.

"Sure, just a minute." The phone rang about five times before Raja answered. She seemed to be in good spirits. While, there were no prospects of any beau at the moment, she was looking forward to finding someone. She was just going to concentrate on work for the time being.

OLIVER-"So your dad hasn't tried to hook you up with someone else?"
RAJA-"Not yet."
OLIVER-"Well take your time."
RAJA-"I don't really fault him. I knew he preferred men anyway. I've known him since we were teenagers."
OLIVER-"Basically this would have been a business marriage"
RAJA-"Pretty much"
DAMON-"Well, we are here to talk if either of you need someone to talk to."
RAJA-"Who is that?"
OLIVER-"That's Damon. He's crashing on my couch right now."
DAMON-"Goodnight ma'am"

Oliver managed to locate a Dave Chapelle special. After watching the special, Oliver expressed that he might be starting graduate school at Florida Atlantic. "Great man. How often would you have to go there."

"Well I wouldn't be taking more than 3 classes per semester so probably 3 days a week. I need to see if I can get any scholarship money."

[Or hope that my client follows through and foots my bill and ensures my job as a research assistant.]

He didn't give too much detail, however he did say he'd be seeking two masters degrees and that a significant portion of them could be completed remotely. Damon asked if if he'd continue to work for the non-profit. Oliver said that he probably would. "I’d like to do about 15 hours per week if I get the research assistant job."
"The one your sugar daddy promised you?"
"My client. This is work. I work hard for my money!"
"Uh huh"
Oliver got up to pop a bag of popcorn while Damon munched on chips and dip. He knew Damon was right on some level but he tended to avoid going into too much detail of his part time job. It wasn’t like he was proud of the job. Especially not this aspect of it. He wasn’t a street worker so, no corner work.
He glanced at an alert from a university before going to sit down.
"Is it weird that two grown men are having a sleepover with booze and snacks?" Damon asked
"Probably but idgaf. Girls can go to the bathroom together, pass each other tissue. Drink each other’s soda and no one questions them but God forbid guys go beyond the football field."

He got a couple of limes and two bottles of beer. "Cheers."

After downing a few beers and filling up on junk food, Damon bought up having a conversation with Juanito. The conversation was similar to what the majority of their social circle felt. "We were robbed. They fucked us up."


"Baby boomers. I mean, shit's so high now. They weren't on the up and up. They got greedy and now we can barely make ends meet. Juanito and his wife live with his parents. He's married, has his wife sleeping in his childhood bedroom."

[Their sex life must suck]

"And to think Juanito has two degrees. We work out asses off and can barely pay rent out here. I hate it when older folks say shit like that.....about us being lazy."

"So man, when you start graduate school...." Oliver interrupted him to say that he hadn't heard anything as of yet.

Oliver checked his text messages, and he received a message from the university in Fort Lauderdale stating they wanted to interview him via zoom to get a better idea as to what he was about.

"I'll call 'em in the morning and set up a date. I still gotta get with Claudia. We're supposed to be having drinks to celebrate her certification."

It was some more good news. "Plus, man, if you can't get into this one. You've got two others that you are looking at."

That gave Oliver some relief. A bill reduced, good news regarding the future of his education and the good news of a friend. "What about you D?"

DAMON-"What about me?"

OLIVER-"School prospects? Work prospects?"

DAMON-"Got a bachelorette party to dance for in a couple of weeks"

OLIVER-"How the hell did that happen?"

DAMON-"Carlos got me a gig. He has a friend who's sister is getting married and he asked me if I was interested"

OLIVER-"When was the last time you popped out of a cake?"

DAMON-"I still got the moves my brotha.  You might wanna take a number."

OLIVER-"No shit."

They spent the rest of the night talking about their future plans. It was about 2:00 am before they went to bed. The night was a night of booze, Netflix, and shit talking. Damon took the couch while Oliver pulled out an air mattress. The next morning around 10:00 am while fixing a cup of coffee, Oliver noticed a phone call from his mother. Three missed calls. He called to ensure all was well, she told him to put the news on. It was another young black woman who had come up dead after going missing about 3 weeks ago. This was in Orlando. Multiple stab wounds and her clothes had been ripped apart. It was clear that the woman had been sexually assaulted. DNA testing was being conducted. Investigation ongoing.

[I need to get the hell out of this state]




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[9/26/18 4:00 PM] It was a sunny afternoon when Oliver got a text from Juanito asking him if he could stop by. "Yeah, I'll be h...